Wednesday 15 October 2008

Common Snakeneck Turtle (Chelodina longicollis)

(click to make bigger)

Only picture today, but rather awesome.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Sea Snakes (Elapidae)

1. Amongst the most poisonous snakes on the planet, although when they do bite people they rarely envenomate, leaving few recorded cases of human deaths.
2. The largest species (Hydrophis spiralis) grows to 3m
3. The sea kraits are restricted to land when breeding and mating, but other sea snake groups give birth to live young in the open ocean. Also sea snakes need to breathe air.

4. Have flattened tails to help swim.
5. They are rarely aggressive towards people, almost to the point of being reluctant to bite. They will be become much more aggressive when brought onto dry land though.
6. Have been know to congregate in huge numbers. One reported instance is of millions of Astrotia Strokesii forming a line of snakes 3metres wide and 10km long.
7. Most feed on fish, mainly eels. But some species specialise in crustaceans and there is recorded cases of eating fish eggs. They will also take bait from fishing lines.